Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 1
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume One (PSM) (1993).iso
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131 lines
@a14 @c0 @c18
║ ║
║ Magnum Message "ARC/ZIP" Utility ║
║ ║
@c3 - - - B E G I N C O M M E N T - - -
Modified by TJD Software to allow specification of '*' (all
conferences) for all allowable message areas, '*' (date of last
logon) for the 'starting' date and '*' (today's date) for the ending
date. Additionally, message areas with no description are not
displayed in the list. The @c16 command after a user response of 'n'
to the 'create list' prompt has been replaced by @b40(z0="n"); to
suppress an unwanted SYSOP NOTE.
Original MSGLIST.RJE produced by Chuck Gilmore of Gilmore Systems.
- - - E N D C O M M E N T - - - @c4
Create a compressed message listing for download (Y/N) => @z0('yn');
@b0(z0="y"); @b40(z0="n"); @p0 @z0="cmd.exe"; @z1="/c usermsgs.cmd ";
@z2=u54; @z1=(z1+z2); @z1=(z1+" ");
@z10=u1; @z1=(z1+z10); @z1=(z1+" ");
@z10=""; Initialise Z10 to null.
@z3=u56; Assign MSG_R_AREAS to MILC var @Z3;
@e82 Prompt for MsgBase
@c12 @z2="a"; @b1(z3!~z2); @z49=v53; @b1(z49="");
@c13 A - @v53
@c12 @p1 @z2="b"; @b2(z3!~z2); @z49=v54; @b2(z49="");
@c13 B - @v54
@c12 @p2 @z2="c"; @b3(z3!~z2); @z49=v55; @b3(z49="");
@c13 C - @v55
@c12 @p3 @z2="d"; @b4(z3!~z2); @z49=v56; @b4(z49="");
@c13 D - @v56
@c12 @p4 @z2="e"; @b5(z3!~z2); @z49=v57; @b5(z49="");
@c13 E - @v57
@c12 @p5 @z2="f"; @b6(z3!~z2); @z49=v58; @b6(z49="");
@c13 F - @v58
@c12 @p6 @z2="g"; @b7(z3!~z2); @z49=v59; @b7(z49="");
@c13 G - @v59
@c12 @p7 @z2="h"; @b8(z3!~z2); @z49=v60; @b8(z49="");
@c13 H - @v60
@c12 @p8 @z2="i"; @b9(z3!~z2); @z49=v61; @b9(z49="");
@c13 I - @v61
@c12 @p9 @z2="j"; @b10(z3!~z2); @z49=v62; @b10(z49="");
@c13 J - @v62
@c12 @p10 @z2="k"; @b11(z3!~z2); @z49=v63; @b11(z49="");
@c13 K - @v63
@c12 @p11 @z2="l"; @b12(z3!~z2); @z49=v64; @b12(z49="");
@c13 L - @v64
@c12 @p12 @z2="m"; @b13(z3!~z2); @z49=v65; @b13(z49="");
@c13 M - @v65
@c12 @p13 @z2="n"; @b14(z3!~z2); @z49=v66; @b14(z49="");
@c13 N - @v66
@c12 @p14 @z2="o"; @b15(z3!~z2); @z49=v67; @b15(z49="");
@c13 O - @v67
@c12 @p15 @z2="p"; @b16(z3!~z2); @z49=v68; @b16(z49="");
@c13 P - @v68
@c12 @p16 @z2="q"; @b17(z3!~z2); @z49=v69; @b17(z49="");
@c13 Q - @v69
@c12 @p17 @z2="r"; @b18(z3!~z2); @z49=v70; @b18(z49="");
@c13 R - @v70
@c12 @p18 @z2="s"; @b19(z3!~z2); @z49=v71; @b19(z49="");
@c13 S - @v71
@c12 @p19 @z2="t"; @b20(z3!~z2); @z49=v72; @b20(z49="");
@c13 T - @v72
@c12 @p20 @z2="u"; @b21(z3!~z2); @z49=v73; @b21(z49="");
@c13 U - @v73
@c12 @p21 @z2="v"; @b22(z3!~z2); @z49=v74; @b22(z49="");
@c13 V - @v74
@c12 @p22 @z2="w"; @b23(z3!~z2); @z49=v75; @b23(z49="");
@c13 W - @v75
@c12 @p23 @z2="x"; @b24(z3!~z2); @z49=v76; @b24(z49="");
@c13 X - @v76
@c12 @p24 @z2="y"; @b25(z3!~z2); @z49=v77; @b25(z49="");
@c13 Y - @v77
@c12 @p25 @z2="z"; @b26(z3!~z2); @z49=v78; @b26(z49="");
@c13 Z - @v78
@p26 @z10="";
@p27 @c13
Enter First Conf. Letter (0 to abort, * for @u56) => @z2('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0*');
@b40(z2="0"); @b28(z3~z2); @b34(z2="*"); Unauthorized Conference Area!
@b27; @p28 @z10=(z10+z2); @p29
Next Conference Letter (0 to end input) => @z2('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0');
@b30(z2="0"); @b28(z3~z2); Unauthorized Conference Area! @b29; @p34 @z10="*";
@p30 @z1=(z1+z10); @z1=(z1+" "); @z5=u51; @b31(z5="U.S."); @z1=(z1+"E ");
@b32; @p31 @z1=(z1+"U "); @p32
Include Private messages to/from you? (Y/N) => @z5('yn'); @z1=(z1+z5); @z1=(z1+" ");
Enter Starting Date (* for @u14) => @z5(10); @b35(z5!="*"); @z5=u14; @p35 @d5 @z1=(z1+z5);
@z1=(z1+" ");Enter Ending Date (* for @o17) => @z5(10); @b36(z5!="*"); @z5=o17; @p36 @d5
@z1=(z1+z5); @z1=(z1+" "); @z5=o18; @z1=(z1+z5); @z1=(z1+".MSG ");
@n0=0; @n1=0;
@z1=(z1+" "); @z99=u69; @z1=(z1+z99);
- - - - - - - Begin Comment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
IF you really want to get fancy, you could prompt the user for a priority
class and level, but they could choose "timecritical" would essentially
freeze other tasks, such as online sessions on other nodes!
Priority: Class (0=default, 1=Idle, 2=Regular, 3=TimeCritical) => @n0(0,3);
Level (0=lowest, ... 31=highest) => @n1(0,31);
@n0=(n0*100); @n0=(n0+n1);
- - - - - - - End Comment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The job may complete while you're still online. If the job is completed
while you're online, do you want Magnum to notify you (Y/N) => @z2('yn');
@b33(z2="N"); @n1=1;
- - - - - - - - - - Remove this comment to view the following values - -
Z0 contains "@z0;"
Z1 contains "@z1;"
N0 contains "@n0;"
N1 contains "@n1;"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Submitting RJE ... @e1 @z0="";
- - - - - - - - - - - Remove this comment to view the PID and RJE Jobname - -
RJE @z1; Successfully Submitted
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@p38 RJE submsission failed!
@p40 @z0="";